Center for Ecological Regeneration: A Charge from Students
April 22, 2022

Presented by Leo Karris, Master of Arts in Public Ministry, Ecological Regeneration Concentration
On behalf of all past, current, and future ecological ministers and theologians, who will learn from, be shaped by, and contribute to its work:
We ask you, the center, to hold the soul of a counter-cultural mission that drives the spirit of the ecological regenerative work that is ahead for all of us.
We ask that you imagine, create, and carry out new rituals and ceremonies of resistance and restoration for the sake of the earth, for the sake of life.
We ask that you commit to truth telling and honoring the land over any outside interests or investments, without compromise.
We ask that you be a bridge between physical healing and spiritual healing.
We ask that you be a common place for prayer and a source of new visions and dreams.
We ask that you challenge us into greater communion with the land and all who inhabit it.
We ask that you not forget that the majority of the world’s peoples, including women, children, black, brown and indigenous persons bear the greatest burden of environmental degradation.
We ask that you transform Garrett’s student housing into an ecovillage – because we dream, and Garrett has taught us that we dream boldly here in this space!
We ask that you offer counsel and console us in our climate anxiousness and move us into life giving and regenerative actions.
We ask that you house a regenerative bell that calls and holds us in a resounding YES for the healing of creation.
We ask that you remember that the earth groans and therefore not cease sharing God’s vision of creation restored.
We promise to partner with you, “our beloved,” as Paul writes in 1 Corinthians, so that we may be “steadfast, immovable, and excelling in the work of the Lord” (15:58).