
Fellows Programs

Enhance your educational and formational experience


The Fellows Program at Garrett provides you with a unique opportunity to join a cohort of students with similar callings and/or backgrounds. In additional to a scholarship, Fellows will receive mentorship from a Garrett faculty member, engage in fellowship with other students in their cohort, participate in networking opportunities with alums and other ministry leaders through various events, and more.


Deacon Fellows

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary has been a leader in preparing students for ministry as a deacon since The United Methodist Church created the Order of Deacons in 1996. The Deacon Fellows program is designed for students pursuing a calling to ordination as a deacon in The United Methodist Church.

pitcher and water basin

Hispanic-Latinx Fellows

This Fellows Program recognizes the unique gifts of our Hispanic and Latinx applicants who will be ministering in bilingual settings and/or who have significant contributions to make to the global religious landscape. Priority is given to United Methodist bi-lingual and/or first and second generation Hispanic and Latinx students.

group photo of the hispanic latinx center members

Pan-Methodist Fellows

Since 1970 and the foundation of the Church and the Black Experience, Garrett-Evangelical has had a strong emphasis on African American experience and ministry. The Pan-Methodist Fellows Program supports AME, AMEZ, and CME students who are called to ministry.

pastor giving communion to a studuent