
UMC Course of Study
Escuela del Curso de Estudio

Preparing you for United Methodist ministry in the local church

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is proud to partner with the General Board of HIgher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) to provide Course of Study, a five-year program that trains and educates persons who are interested in becoming full- or part-time local pastors in the United Methodist Church. We are a Regional Course of Study School that offers both English and Spanish courses.

Learn from theological educators and experienced ministry leaders

Our Course of Study faculty is made up of professors from Garrett and other theological seminaries, as well as program staff from boards and agencies and seasoned pastors who are excellent instructors.

Course of study faculty teaching

Course of Study Staff

Katye Chambers

Rev. Katye Chambers

Regional Director | cos@garrett.edu

Honorio Morales

Honorio Morales

Coordinator | cos@garrett.edu

Extension Schools


Our Regional Course of Study School also supports three Extension Schools: