New FTE Resource for Mentoring Scholars of Color Created in Collaboration with Dr. Charles H. Cosgrove of Garrett-Evangelical
April 22, 2021

The Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) has just released its newest publication for the academy, Voices of the Mentored: Scholars of Color Speak. This publication was created in collaboration with and edited by Dr. Charles H. Cosgrove, who serves as the director of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary’s doctor of philosophy program and Professor of Early Christian Literature. Voices of the Mentored features 30 autobiographical essays from scholars of color, faculty responses, and FTE mentoring practices.
With a grant from FTE, Dr. Cosgrove sought autobiographical reflections from scholars of color about their experiences of being mentored in graduate school. The contributors are all either PhD candidates in the dissertation stage or recent graduates and they represent seven theological schools.
“The short analytic narratives gathered in the book are full of keen insights and valuable discoveries about the highs and lows of mentoring relationships in doctoral theological education,” says Cosgrove in the introduction of the publication. “These essays will be a rich guide to faculty seeking to enhance their mentoring of students of color.”
Dr. Brian Bantum, the Neal F. and Ila A. Fisher Professor of Theology at Garrett-Evangelical, contributed one of two closing essays to the publication. Titled “Safe Harbors,” Bantum reflects upon his own experiences, both as mentee and mentor.
“The task of mentoring is drawing students into this world that we occupy, but perhaps even more than this, we are participating in their formation as co-creators in this world with us and after us,” said Bantum. “As we hope for their future, our mentoring isn’t simply about ‘professional’ success, but also about the possibilities of wholeness for the students and a cultivation of life that allows their work to bear fruit in their communities and the broader world.”
To download your free copy of Voices of the Mentored: Scholars of Color Speak, go to
The Forum for Theological Exploration is a leadership incubator that inspires young people to make a difference in the world through Christian communities. To learn more, go to Garrett-Evangelical is a founding member of FTE’s Institutional Doctoral Network, a collaboration dedicated to helping PhD students of color thrive.
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, a graduate school of theology related to The United Methodist Church, was founded in 1853. Located on the campus of Northwestern University, the seminary serves more than 450 students from various denominations and cultural backgrounds, fostering an atmosphere of ecumenical interaction. Garrett-Evangelical creates bold leaders through master of divinity, master of arts, master of theological studies, doctor of philosophy, and doctor of ministry degrees. Its 4,500 living alumni serve church and society around the world.