
Brian Bantum

Neal F. and Ila A. Fisher Professor of Theology


  • BA, Houghton College
  • MTS, Duke University
  • PhD, Duke University

Participants in God's Work in the World

Who is God? Who are we? Braided together, these questions are the beginning of theological reflection. I teach theology with a systematic and constructive emphasis, considering how Christians have wrestled to speak of the God they encounter as they make sense of their world. As we look at how other Christians have imagined and responded to these questions, I invite students into these theological dialogues as participants in God’s work in the world.

Whether doing theological work in the church, leadership in organizations, or in the academy, theology is a constructive, creative practice that requires us to continually speak in new ways about the beauty and fragmentation present in the world. As we reflect, read, discuss, write, and create, we seek to be creatures that can draw upon the wisdom and insight of scholars, artists, and practitioners in order to build communities that make us more loving, more free, and more human.