PhD Student Profile: Kristen M. Daley Mosier
September 8, 2021
Area of Study: Theological and Ethical Studies

Kristen Daley Mosier completed her MDiv at Fuller Seminary Northwest (Seattle) in 2012, and holds a BA in art history from Western Washington University. Based in the Pacific Northwest, her research interests explore intersections of creation, spirit, materiality, and place. She is particularly interested in developing a theology of water that connects persons, places, and the experience of baptism through the life of the Holy Spirit. Kristen lives in the Seattle area with her spouse, with whom she serves the community of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, located in the Cedar River Watershed.
Papers and Publications
“Sacramental Tensions in the Columbia River Watershed: Toward a Bioregional Ethic,” Religion and Ecology section at the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 2018.
“Voicing All Our Praise: Vineyard and Musical Communities of Practice” in Liturgy 33, no. 4 (2018).
“No-No Boys Don’t Make Us Remember,” Theology and Philosophy of Religion section at the Pacific Northwest American Academy of Religion Regional Meeting, Parkland, Washington, 2018.
A review of Andy Park, Lester Ruth, and Cindy Rethmeier, Worshiping with the Anaheim Vineyard: the Emergence of Contemporary Worship in Pneuma 39, no. 3 (2017): 379-381.
“What Are We Waiting For? Deconstructing What Is to Come, and Asking Who Is to Come, as a Basis of Eschatological Anticipation,” Theology and Philosophy of Religion section at the Pacific Northwest American Academy of Religion Regional Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2013.