A Message from President Viera to the Garrett-Evangelical Community
January 6, 2021
Dear Garrett-Evangelical community,
The disturbing scenes emanating from our nation’s capital are no doubt capturing our attention and provoking within us a deep sense of angst and foreboding. To say that the unfolding events are surreal is a monumental understatement. They are a culmination of years of perpetuated falsehoods, abuses of power, and orchestrated attempts to turn the people of this country against each for perceived political gain. It is heartbreaking, yet sadly not surprising.
As people of faith and followers of Jesus, we are also people of action, people of peace, and people of prayer. Through our words and our actions, we bear witness to the healing power of constructive dialogue, to the transformative impact of truthful speech, to the dignifying effect of respectful disagreement, and to the reconciling possibilities of peaceful action. Through our prayers we are drawn deeply into the life and purposes of the God of peace, the God of reconciliation, and the God of healing. In our respective communities, circles of influence, social media accounts and personal relationships, let us be mindful that our Christian faith calls us to be “repairers of the breach and restorers of the streets” (Isaiah 58.12). Perhaps tonight we should hear that as a calling, a call to action of sorts, so that a just and lasting peace may begin to take root across this land through our efforts and the efforts of those who will work alongside us.
I acknowledge how odd it is that this is my first communication to the entire community, but perhaps there is no better way to begin our shared work than through purposeful action and intentional prayer. I ask your prayers for this country and its leaders. I ask your prayers for the people of this land, especially those who are most vulnerable, most targeted, or most unseen. I ask your prayers for our local communities and cities, that shared purpose for the common good, and love of neighbor and stranger, may inspire our actions. I ask your prayers for our Garrett-Evangelical community, that as we become agents of peace and reconciliation, we may also have the strength and courage to lead wisely in these challenging days.
Know of my prayers for you, for those you love and serve, and for the welfare and soul of our nation.

Javier A. Viera