Distinguished Alums 2007
February 24, 2007
Susan B. Lockman

The Distinguished Alum Award to an alum who graduated less than 25 years ago was presented to the Rev. Susan B. Lockman by Donald A. Ott, trustee, and Dr. Gennifer Brooks, assistant professor of homiletics.
Since beginning her professional ministry in 1987 with a dual assignment to Grace United Methodist Church and Our Master’s UMC in Beloit, Wis., she has served a number of United Methodist congregations in the Wisconsin Annual Conference with passion, compassion, grace and innovation.
She was appointed to Trinity UMC in Beaver Dam as associate pastor in 1990. From Trinity, she moved Emanuel UMC in Menomonee Falls and was asked to chair the Milwaukee District Committee on Ordained Ministry, demonstrating gifts for discernment and skill development. From 2001 to 2006 Lockman served as pastor of Good Shepherd UMC on Oconomowoc and began serving First UMC in West Allis last year.
She is married to Bill Lockman and stepmother of two children, Curt and Julie.
Robert J. Harman

Trustee Thomas E. Babler joined Dr. Margaret Ann Crain, associate professor of Christian education, in presenting the Distinguished Alum Award to an alum who graduated more than 25 years ago — the Rev. Robert J. Harman.
Harman was raised in the Midwest in the Evangelical United Brethren Church and educated in denominational schools. In 1959 he earned a bachelor’s degree from North Central College in Naperville and went on to receive a master of divinity in 1962 from Evangelical Theological Seminary in Naperville. Later, he was awarded a master’s degree from New York University’s School of Public Administration.
Harman served three pastorates in the Northern Illinois Annual Conference: East Jordan UMC in Sterling, Parish of the Holy Covenant in Chicago and Community UMC in Naperville. He also served for a year as district superintendent of the Chicago Northern District.
In 1975 Harman joined the staff of the General Board of Global Ministries. He was elected Deputy General Secretary of the board, a position he held for 11 years. His responsibilities included managing United Methodist missionary personnel serving in 70 countries and administering an annual budget of more than $21 million.
His book, “From Missions to Mission — A History of The United Methodist Church from 1968-2000,” was published in 2005. A delegate to the Seventh Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Canberra, Australia, Harman has been recognized in the past seven editions of “Marquis’ Who’s Who in Religion.”
Harman and his wife, Marcia, enjoy retirement homes in Danbury, Wis., and the Edgewater neighborhood in Chicago. They have two sons and two granddaughters.