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Master of Arts in Public Ministry (MAPM)

Offered hybrid or residential

Fall 2024 Semester Early Action Deadline

Apply by November 15, 2024, for our Master degree programs and you could be eligible for a minimum 65% scholarship, up to 100% of tuition.

Discern God’s will and claim your unique call

Fulfill your Christian vocation to love God and serve neighbor through public ministries of advocacy, organizing, and justice-making.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Arts in Public Ministry is a 50-credit hour program. Students can complete their degree as a residential student (primarily in-person courses on Garrett’s campus) or as a hybrid student (primarily online courses). All courses are offered in-person and online with the exception of required in-person cohort retreats in August and January that will focus on orientation and formation.

Foundational Courses (24-credit hours)

Degree Outcomes

Public Ministry Courses (26-credit hours)

Protest Image

Building Community and Formation Through Cohort Retreats

MAPM students are required to attend each of the two yearly in-person retreats (August and January) at least two times to receive full credit.

August Retreat

This retreat will feature an orientation to Garrett and the MAPM method. It will also feature cohort building, mentorship pairings, social identity/location awareness training, development and nonviolent communication/action workshops, and more.

January Retreat

This retreat will focus on vocational discernment and career planning, a personality/spirituality types workshop, and public ministry project development.

Field Education

MAPM students complete two semesters of field education. Combining hands-on experience with peer group discussions, you will come to know approaches to ministry leadership, cultivate practical skills in context as you do the work of ministry with skilled church and community leaders, and engage in critical reflection on the Christian leaders you are called to be.

Public Ministry Project

The Public Ministry Project is a capstone project that you will develop in the final year of your program. The project integrates your experiences in field education and your degree coursework.
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